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 1 avatar sccroofingSouthern Custom Construction and Roofing is a premier construction and roofing firm specializing in both residential and commercial projects across the USA. Our emphasis on integrity, craftsmanship, and client satisfaction has set us apart in an industry where the quality of workmanship is paramount. Our foundational services encompass meticulous roof replacement, ensuring that each project meets both our rigorous standards and the specific needs of our clients. Our experienced team conducts thorough inspections to assess the condition of your roof and identify any issues that could compromise your property's safety or value. Whether facing weather-related damage or natural wear and tear, Southern Custom Construction and Roofing delivers solutions tailored to the unique challenges your roof may present. Expert consultation services are at the heart of what we do, guiding clients through the process with ease and ensuring informed decision-making every step of the way. We understand that a roof is not just a part of a building; it’s vital protection for what’s underneath be it a family home or a thriving business. Quick and efficient repairs are essential in mitigating damage and preserving the longevity of your roof. Southern Custom Construction and Roofing specializes in identifying problems quickly, delivering timely repairs that restore both function and peace of mind to our customers. With roof replacement as one of our primary offerings, we utilize only top-quality materials coupled with industry-leading techniques to deliver roofs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and long-lasting. Each roof replacement job is approached with an unwavering attention to detail, adhering closely to both local building codes and manufacturers' guidelines. At Southern Custom Construction and Roofing, we take pride in safeguarding your investments with outstanding construction and roofing services, solidifying ourselves as a steadfast provider for all your roofing needs. Company Phone: 803-866-3316 Company Company Hours: Mon - Sat : 08:00 - 20:00 Facebook: May 25, 2024 12:50 pm1